Petition Closed

This Petition was paused on 10 October 2021 to enable delivery of over 1500 signatories to Archbishop Comensoli, his Vicar General and the Episcopal Vicars.

We understand that an announcement has recently been made that the time given for gathering, praying, discerning and consulting at the level of local communities and neighbouring parishes has been extended until the end of 2022.

We also understand that a Key Advisory Group, comprising clergy and lay leaders from parishes across the Archdiocese, is to be formed to provide advice, suggestions, and feedback regarding the Take the Way of the Gospel restructure.

Melbourne Faithful welcomes this announcement and invites you to make a further contribution to this discernment by joining a Melbourne Faithful Online Gathering.  Details of the gathering have been emailed to all signatories.

Thank you for your support.

Melbourne Faithful

Will you sign?


Your Grace

We respectfully call on you to pause the implementation of the Take the Way of the Gospel restructure of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. 

We are deeply concerned that such a radical restructure is being progressed during lockdown, when the ability for parish priests to communicate with their faithful has been disrupted. 

Many parishioners are even not aware of the restructure, and those who are need more information and an opportunity to gather to discuss it and reflect on how it will affect them as communities of faith.  The “consultation” with clergy and faithful thus far has been a communication of the predetermined plan to create 50 to 60 Missions, rather than a meaningful engagement of them in the process or a willingness to consider other models or frameworks.

The restructure should not be progressed until restrictions on gatherings in parishes have been lifted.

Additionally, the Plenary Council is yet to commence.  Thousands of faithful in the Archdiocese of Melbourne contributed to the listening and discernment process in good faith.  The Plenary Council will undoubtedly address some of the issues to which the proposed restructure seeks to respond, with the benefit hearing from many more faithful than were consulted in the preparation of Take the Way of the Gospel.

We need to look at other models or options for restructure proposed by the Church, many of which will be presented at the Plenary assemblies by those in other dioceses facing similar resourcing concerns. 

The restructure should not be progressed until after the Plenary Council concludes.

What we are asking for is for the time and the means to allow all parties to engage in a deeper listening to each other.

Your Grace, we implore you to demonstrate with your actions the listening and discernment, dialogue and co-responsibility that we hear being championed as the way forward for the Church in Australia, and pause the implementation of the plan to create 50 to 60 Missions so that we can walk with you and your advisers in discerning and implementing how best we can walk the Way of the Gospel.