Full Name: Margarita Chatelier Date: 09-Oct-2021Parish :St Luke's Parish WantirnaI humbly request that you postpone all changes to the restructuring of churches to missions at this time. Thanking you for your time. Blessings, Margarita
Full Name: W. Jude Dilan Fernando Date: 09-Oct-2021Parish :Gladstone ParkWe sincerely ,as a family would like to request ftom you not to limit our mass time or day reducing the missions or dioceses or restriction on priests . We need them all . 🙏
Full Name: Marina & Sohan Mendis Date: 09-Oct-2021Parish :Gladstone ParkPlease more churches and more priests not less. Now more than ever. Our priest is our Shepherd we will be lost sheep without him. We fear Covid but we should fear God more. So more places of worship and more priests is the answer we should seek.
Full Name: Nikita Fernando Date: 10-Oct-2021Parish :OakPark St Francis de SalesOakPark St Francis de Sales
Full Name: B.Sriyangani Mendis Date: 09-Oct-2021Parish :Gladstone Park Hope you would respect my religious faith God bless you
Full Name: JOHN CANAVAN Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :BurwoodIn this matter,........... makes no common sense
Full Name: Helen Horwood Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :St Francis Xavier Montmorency Definitely not the time for any further anxiety after not being able to come to our own priest and Church
Full Name: Albert Cachia Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :LangwarrinWhen Jesus asked his disciples to go and spread the word they all went in separate ways and not as a larger group.
Full Name: Henry Martin Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :Doncaster EastSteps need to be taken to ensure that everyone is properly informed on the proposal and have the opportunity to express their views.
Full Name: Joan Kenny Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :CheltenhamThis proposal breaks the link between Parish Priest and the parish community. Please pause this proposal until the Plenary Council concludes its deliberations. We do not yet know the character of the post Plenary Council Australian Church.
Full Name: Dale Gordon-Stewart Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :Sts Peter and Pauls Doncaster EastI concur with all of the above
Full Name: Lily E Cachia Date: 08-Oct-2021Parish :LangwarrinWhen Jesus asked his disciples to go and spread the word of God, they all went in different directions and not as a larger group.